Thursday, February 25, 2016

Nuru Massage Vashi | Finest Full Body to Body Massage Service Providers in Navi Mumbai

Welcome to Sensual Liaisons Vashi's Premier Tantric Massage Parlour

Inspired by the concept of the Garden of Heaven, Sensual Liaisons excites the senses and makes guests feel truly special. We have created a sensual cocoon with graceful interiors 5 minutes from Inorbit Mall, Vashi, for gentlemen looking for a way to relax and unwind with an excellent service. The minute you walk in, you feel immediately at home, as you are greeted with a cold drink and met with the refreshing scent of fresh flowers and the soothing colours, luring into a state of bliss, so seductively enveloping you and her alone, standing in this city. The range and quality of services given by Liaison's beautiful, charming and skilled masseuses are unmatched as you experience a heavenly 1/2 hr, a blissful hour or a luxurious 2hrs of total relaxation. Private, discreet and by appointment (by phone) please call us on 09958-331-323.

The Absolute most Sensual Massage in Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Come and relax for an hour or two in our beautiful blissful surroundings. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and let us help rejuvenate you.

Tantric Massage Vashi

For the very best quality tantric massage Vashi, Sensual Liaisons provides the ultimate service in the Tantric Massage industry. We are talking about the highest level of luxury and masseuses who are qualified above and beyond industry standards. We wanted to create and provide a tantric massage Vashi service that stood out among competitors in the quality of deliverance. This means to us, that everything, from the luxury and discreet apartments that are chosen, to the level of massage and tantric training our girls receive, to the unscented body wash in the heated floor bathroom of the apartment of the girl you choose to visit, every detail has been thought about, tried and tested and that's why we are absolutely leading the Vashi Erotic Massage scene and retaining a fantastic client base. Luxury, safe, discreet and the highest quality spiritual or body to body or classic tantra, this is the massage Vashi service you should be booking with, to ensure serious quality for money and likely one of the best experiences you have had in a very long time.

Vashi Massage

Are you looking for exclusive massage services in Vashi, Navi Mumbai? At Sensual Liaisons Vashi Massage Parlour, we understand that clients are looking for massage experts who are able to meet their level of expectations. And this is why we have fragranced flowers, state-of-the-art interior decoration combined with highly experienced masseuses put in place to create that unique, blissful experience to cut out clients. But why come for our Navi Mumbai Massage?

We have a wide variety of services plus flexible time periods. You can decide to have a simple massage of 30 minutes, or experience a full body massage for 1 or 2 hours. Our services range from adult massage (18's and over) to the body to body massage that is only better tried than talked about.

If you want guaranteed massage services that will leave you longing to come again and again, then Sensual Liaisons Vashi Massage Parlour is the best place to come for the services. Book an appointment to come and experience the real touch of Vashi Massage Services.

Vashi Massage Parlour

New and Regular Clients who visit us time and again give testament to Sensual Liaisons massage Vashi as the best tantric massage parlour in Navi Mumbai experience they have ever received, nationally and internationally. We guarantee an unforgettable Vashi Tantric Massage experience.

We are the best massage parlour in Vashi and you deserve the best. Visit us for the highest standards in massage Vashi and the most genuinely beautiful and skilled Goddesses that will bring you to tantric heaven, and as you make your way back to and the work or home, you will realize you are still in heaven and have not come down to earth yet. This is what our massage Vashi beauties can do to you, pleasure, genuine warmth, hot breath and fire in your belly as all the elements of the experience combine in an explosion of feminine energy and ability and male life giving power. Vashi Massage Parlour, remember this name, store our number, and anytime you desire the warmth, perhaps after a hard day's work, a stressful time at home or just a treat for yourself, or if you are curious and want to learn more about tantra and the different approaches and even breathing techniques, call us and book your massage in Vashi. Let us take care of the rest for you. Here at Sensual Liaisons we take pride in our efficiency and smooth running of bookings, punctuality and accessible locations.

Vashi Sensual Massage

Here at Sensual Liaisons massage Vashi, you will experience true release and the equilibrium of mind, heart and body that you were seeking and wishing to find. We do not cut corners with even a single stroke of the hand, right through to the bathing products in our bathrooms, left there with you in mind. We are first class in our approach and all the feminine love and attention to detail has ensured that we are getting deeply satisfied clients each and every time. When you call to book your Vashi Sensual Massage (the most sensual massage in Navi Mumbai) adventure at Sensual Liaisons we ensure a perfect understanding of your requests and needs. And if you are completely new to this and have no idea of what to expect, then there is no need to worry at all. Call us and we will provide you with all the answers and information you require and of course the beautiful Vashi Massage Experience itself. Call today and book your incall massage in Navi Mumbai.